
We are a forging company with a 105-year tradition.

1. 4. 1920

Founded by ZALABEK A SPOL. The first forgings and horseshoe calks.

Year 1923

Change of owner. New company name - KOTVA Polak Hopp KG. Manufacturing program - horseshoes, calks and clips. Since 1926, production expanded by forgings for agricultural im implements and axles.

Rok 1935

Company´s expansion. Import of drop hammers, power hammers and eccentric presses from Austria - start of die forging in Jihlava. New manufacturing program - die forgings from steel for farming and sewing machines, spanners and tongs.

1939 - 1945

World War II. Armaments industry. Manufacture of parts for munitions, military vehicles and air force.

Year 1948

Nationalization of the company, incorporation into ZBROJOVKA Brno. Manufacturing program - die forgings for vehicles, tractors and motorcycles.

Year 1953

New company name - MORAVSKÉ KOVÁRNY. The company became independent under this new name. Modernization of buildings and equipment.

Year 1958

Company name and independence withdrawn. Incorporation into ZBROJOVKA Vsetín.

Year 1961

Building up a new plant in Hruškové Dvory on the periphery of the town of Jihlava. A new plant is built as a commercial forge with an in-house tooling department and fitted with new equipment (crank and screw presses, hammers).

Year 1976

New name - KOVOLIT. Incorporation into Kovolit Modřice as a subsidiary.

1. 1. 1989

Recapture of partial independence due to separation from Kovolit Modřice. Use of the former name - MORAVSKÉ KOVÁRNY.

1. 7. 1990

Initiation of the privatization process after the opening of the boarder. Transformation into a joint-stock company.

1992 - today

Continuous acquisition of shares by the Austrian family company PENN GmbH within the privatization process and the process of transfer of ownership pursuant to § 365 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll. - Commercial Corporations Act - today PENN GmbH owns 100% of the shares.


Moravské kovárny, a.s.

Hruškové Dvory 44, CZ - 586 01 Jihlava